Setting up Compute Canada environment with CBS/CFMM allocation

As of 2021, the CBS and CFMM members at UWO have access to a shared compute canada allocation for priority access to CPUs and total shared storage of 90TB. To request access please contact Ali Khan.


  • You have applied for a Canada Canada account at
  • You have been added to the CBS/CFMM Compute Canada allocation (ctb-akhanf-ab)


Log in


Set-up neuroglia-helpers and start-up script

git clone ~/neuroglia-helpers
~/neuroglia-helpers/ ctb-akhanf-ab

Log out and back in to activate your login script.
Test out the set-up by running bidsBatch, which should list the available BIDS Apps you can run.

Remember that the number of files are very limited in the project/ folder and this is only recommended for storing large tar/zip files. You should use the scratch/ folder for all active runs.

Happy computing!