Creating cifti dense scalar from gifti metric files using HCP workbench

To save future me (and others) time in trying to track down this solution:

If you have metric gifti files (e.g., sub.L.sulc.32k.shape.gii and sub.R.sulc.32k.shape.gii) in fs_LR space and need to convert these into a single cifti dense scalar file (e.g., sub.sulc.32k.dscalar.nii), then use the following workbench command:

wb_command -cifti-create-dense-scalar sub.sulc.32k.dscalar.nii -left-metric sub.L.sulc.32k.shape.gii -right-metric sub.R.sulc.32k.shape.gii

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Thanks Suzanne!

Yes cifti-create-* and -cifti-separate are your friends when going to and from cifti files (as opposed to -cifti-convert)