Hi Alan,
For my project we’re collecting multi-echo GRE images at 9.4 T to generate QSM maps. Ali updated your QSM pipeline to v2.0.0 to account for some problems generating the phase images specific to my project. He also added qsm_sstv_v2.0.0 as a bidsBatch app.
However, I keep getting the same error message when trying to run the qsm pipeline and it is:
201119-12:59:51, 453 pipype.uits WARNING:
Could not check for version updates:
Could not find a suitable TLS CA certificate bundle, invalid path: /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
I receive this message no matter which way I try to run it (bidsBatch, batch script, singularity run) on graham. I also receive it when trying to run your original qsm pipeline, qsm_sstv_v0.1.1.
Ali was able to get the new pipeline to run on his end but he wasn’t able to get it to run when I was going over it with him on my account. He checked my singularity, python, etc. versions and they seemed okay.
Do you know what the environment issue may be and if there is something I can do on my end to get it running?