I’m currently using the bids app denoise-fmri on the CBS server. My data has multiple tasks in the func folder which is throwing the error:
ConfigError in file /cifs/open_data_hbn/denoise-fmri/denoise_fmri/workflow/Snakefile, line 18:
More than one snakemake filename for preproc_bold, taking the first. To correct this, use the --filter_preproc_bold option to narrow the search.
How can I set this option “filter_preproc_bold” to specify using only one of the tasks/spaces? My code looks something like the following:
/directory/denoise-fmri/denoise_fmri/run.py /directory/bids_data /directory/denoised_data participant -np
With the filter:
/directory/denoise-fmri/denoise_fmri/run.py /directory/bids_data /directory/denoised_data --filter_preproc_bold task-taskname_space-MNI_res-01_desc-preproc_bold.nii.gz participant -np
Which throws a value error. I’m not sure exactly how or where to invoke the argument and can’t seem to find much information online. Thanks in advance!