Error pulling study from DICOM server - study has empty PatientSex field


I am having problems pulling a study from the DICOM server via the autobids system. The error message I get is below. The PatientSex field is empty for the study, so I’m not sure if that is causing the error.

    [switt4@gra-login2 Nagamatsu]$ cfmm2tar -c ~/ -n '2023_01_19_031_baseline' .
WARNING: While bind mounting '/cvmfs:/cvmfs': destination is already in the mount point list
WARNING: While bind mounting '/project:/project': destination is already in the mount point list
WARNING: While bind mounting '/scratch:/scratch': destination is already in the mount point list
WARNING: While bind mounting '/localscratch:/localscratch': destination is already in the mount point list
2023/03/10 09:24:33-INFO-Retrieving #1 of 1: StudyInstanceUID-2.25.108192214817717434338219262174127527149

2023/03/10 09:24:33-INFO-checking if PACS ready for retrieving...
2023/03/10 09:25:06-INFO-retrieving...
2023/03/10 09:25:20-ERROR-Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx2048m
getscu: Sta1 - Idle Sta1 - Idle
	at org.dcm4che3.tool.getscu.GetSCU.close(
	at org.dcm4che3.tool.getscu.GetSCU.main(

2023/03/10 09:25:20-INFO-retrieved dicoms to ./cfmm2tar_intermediate_dicoms/2.25.108192214817717434338219262174127527149
2023/03/10 09:25:20-INFO-dicom files no found!
rmdir: failed to remove './cfmm2tar_intermediate_dicoms': Directory not empty