CFMM DICOM Data Browser down?

When I try to access the DICOM Data Browser from this link, I get a 503 Service Unavailable error. Am I doing something wrong, or is the service down? (@mklassen )

Network switch failure. Should be back operational now.

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I’m seeing a similar issue to this one I saw in May of last year – Trying to access just yields the text “Forbidden” for me right now.

@mklassen @isolovey The DICOM Data Browser appears to be inaccessible. Please let me know if this is just me, thanks!

Can you try clearing your cookies for the site and trying again? There was a change in authentication settings last night, and your pre-existing cookie with the old settings might be causing the problem.

Clearing my cookies does not appear to have resolved the issue. I also tried in a different browser and that also just gave me the “Forbidden” text.

Hi Tristan,

Please try again now. I believe the issue is resolved.

Yes, I can log in now. Thank you for your help!

@isolovey @mklassen I have been unable to access the DICOM server data browser since Friday. I have gotten a series of error messages, including incorrect username/password, Forbidden, " We are sorry…Unexpected error when handling authentication request to identity provider.", etc.

I also get this error when trying to pull data via graham:

[switt4@gra-login1 ~]$ procNewScans '20220331' bd
study: *
date: 20220331
Retrieving dicoms for '*' on '20220331'...
cfmm2tar -c ~/ -p '*' -d '20220331' -U /home/switt4/autobids-pub/var/downloaded_uid.txt  /scratch/switt4/incoming_12343 | tee -a /home/switt4/autobids-pub/var/log_retrieve_cfmm/2022-04-01.txt
WARNING: While bind mounting '/cvmfs:/cvmfs': destination is already in the mount point list
WARNING: While bind mounting '/project:/project': destination is already in the mount point list
WARNING: While bind mounting '/scratch:/scratch': destination is already in the mount point list
WARNING: While bind mounting '/localscratch:/localscratch': destination is already in the mount point list
2022/04/01 09:08:34-ERROR-Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx2048m
findscu: A-ASSOCIATE-RJ[result: 1 - rejected-permanent, source: 2 - service-provider (ACSE related function), reason: 1 - no-reason-given]
A-ASSOCIATE-RJ[result: 1 - rejected-permanent, source: 2 - service-provider (ACSE related function), reason: 1 - no-reason-given]
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
	at java.base/
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@switt4 Thanks for reporting this. We’re having an issue with locally created (non-Western) users, and are working on it. However, in general we’re transitioning away from creating those users when a Western user can be used instead. In the case of bidsdump, it should be a Western service identity associated with a Western staff or faculty member. I think it makes sense to start the process of creating a bidsdump service identity regardless of the current authentication problem. Regardless, I’ll post an update when it is resolved.

@isolovey Thanks for the update.

@isolovey To add a wrinkle, I have also just gotten reports from a couple of other users that they also cannot access the data browser. I tested with my personal user ID (switt4), and I can log into to the data browser. However, nothing beyond the header and background image loads.

@switt Please see this thread for a solution to this problem.

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@switt4 @akhanf Sorry about the delay in getting the bidsdump user to authenticate. Everything should now work.

Once you obtain a Western Service Identity, please let me know and I’ll migrate the group memberships from the current user to the new one. The username can be the same or you can choose a different one, your choice. If it’s the same, there should be no changes required on your end (in scripts, etc).

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@isolovey I can confirm that I can log back in as bidsdump. Thanks for getting this sorted out. :slight_smile:

I think @akhanf has emailed you and @mklassen about getting started with requesting a Western Service Identity. Tristan, Ali, and I discussed in our bi-weekly staff meeting that it would be better for this request come from CFMM, rather than one of us. If only so that there is a bit more central control over the account.

Thanks for sorting this out!

Re: service identity, I actually just requested one for bidsdump so should hopefully have that soon…