Hi Everyone! I was hoping that you could help me out with something that has been bothering me for a couple of days already
First of all, I followed instructions from https://github.com/AlanKuurstra/qsm_sstv/blob/master/run_instructions.md to create folders, retrieve data from the dicom server, and then to run the QSM pipeline. From figure 1, you can see that I have downloaded some subjects already, and for the sake of the explanation, I will focus on the data generated for subject 7 (sub-7).
Then, I configured the QSMBatch.sh file to start executing the pipeline. I filled the file as in figure 2.
However, when I ran the job on compute Canada, I don’t find the qsm result. Instead, I see an output with what you can see in figure 3.
Any ideas of what is happening? thanks in advance,
Have a nice day